
The Office of Academic Promotion and Registration was established on 1 March 2005 according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education, and the government departments in Surindra Rajabhat University. Its mission is to supervise, inspect, and control the quality of education, academic promotion, support curriculum development, preparation of study plans, student recruitment for both regular and irregular semesters, issuing academic transcripts and credentials. The Office of Academic Promotion and Registration is divided into 6 internal work groups as follows:
- To promote and support education management, develop and update the curriculum in line with the needs of society, communities, and nation under the strategy of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation and Surin Rajabhat University.
- To produce teaching and learning materials in a variety of formats and short courses, encourage cooperative education learning, integrate learning and practical work approach resulting to holistic learning experience, prepare students and mold graduates with desirable characteristics.
- To prepare a plan in accepting regular and irregular undergraduate students to publicize, disseminate and recruit together with other faculties.
- To coordinate the preparation of study plans for general education subjects throughout the course, to transfer academic results, to make the student’s study schedule, instructor’s teaching schedule, examination schedule, conducive classroom and building usage schedule.
- To provide information services, expedite accurate and reliable documents for registration and measurement through modern information technology and innovation.
- To promote and enhance personnel to keep pace with technology, having academic progress and work responsibilities, knowledge and virtue.